, 083-520513
परिवारको स्वास्थ्य वीमा गराई निःशुल्क आंखा उपचार सेवाका लागि ढुक्क हुनुहोस । अस्पताल आउंदा विमा सदस्यता कार्ड अनिवार्य साथमा लिएर आउनुहोला ।

Midterm review of Hospital service

28 April to 4th May 2018, SRC health advisor Mrs Monika Cristofori Khadka visited at Surkhet eye hospital with the mission of midterm review of Surkhet Eye Hospital Mid-West Eye Care project. She completed her mission as per TOR. She organized a debriefing meeting at hospital among HMC and staff members.